Halo Assalamu'alaykum

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Freedom of sex in many western countries may already be familiar, as well as in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country famous for the freedom of sex. For that education about free sex at school had already become commonplace, that the students understand the causes and consequences of these free sex.

Sex Freedom in Indonesia was marked by the number of commercial workers and also many places that allow for the free sex and even offers free sex services. In addition, many are also circulating of vcd porn and sex free access to shows via the Internet.

Freedom of sex is certainly very damaging morale Indonesian nation. As a result of free sex which may be done by others, could be imitated by those who know. So getting these free sex large. Free sex is very damaging, so we as a successor to the nation are expected to not follow the western culture of sexual freedom. Because many adverse effects of these sex freedom.
The negative consequences of sexual freedom among others is that we will get a sin, then we would be ostracized in society, and freedom of sex can spread the deadly virus, namely HIV / AIDS and there is no cure for it. Beside that if you get pregnant out of wedlock, then the future will be bleak.

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