Halo Assalamu'alaykum

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Teenage is a time of transition from children to adults. Usually the emotion in adolescence is still unstable, changing easily, and easily influenced or carried away. Depending on each individual, how teens can control their emotions. However, in adolescence it is the teenagers trying to find their true identity.

At the beginning of entering adolescence, usually around age + / - 12 years. We will see many new things. New things can be obtained either intentionally, or unintentionally. Usually accompanied by a change in physical and psychological. And at this moment is the teens will decide for themselves how the 'self' them in the future.

In adolescent boys, usually characterized by having a wet dream. While the physical change is to grow a mustache, beard, underarm hair, and feathers in the area around the pubic, and big chest . In addition, Adam's apple larger, resulting in better sound.

While in adolescent women is characterized by having a period. Physical changes is the formation of hips, breast enlargement, the growth of underarm hair and fur in the area around the genitals. And usually when menstruation among girls this will be hooked emotionally.

Also, in adolescence we will experience a period where we became interested in the opposite sex so that we begin to arise is all ins and outs of life that previously had never experienced. Usually a lot of teenage boys who easily fall for his emotions, fighting only because of trivial issues like losing in a match which resulted in brawl and there is also the problem of romance so that a fight broke out.

At this time the role of parents is needed to help teenagers out of trouble. Parents is intended for the teens is not affected by things that are bad or wrong because it could be hanging out later on they fall into things such unwanted smoke and drink alcoholic beverages which can later lead to drugs and free sex which will result in pregnancy out of wedlock.

For that the teens are expected to be smart in choosing friends and hang out so that is not affected by negative things. So did their parents, for always caring and supervise their children when entering adolescence. Because these young people which will be expectations and the successor of our nation.

Among my discourse about youth, hopefully this article can be useful and used with the best. Criticism and suggestions are very helpful to my progress. Thank you :)

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