Halo Assalamu'alaykum

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Honesty is one of the many human nature is very important as a benchmark of whether that person is a good person or not. Very difficult nowadays to find someone who is really honest good to be friends, boyfriend, or workers. Thus, honesty is very valuable.

Sometimes the people closest to us was hard to get honesty. There are reasons for not telling the truth. There are not honest to goodness, some are indeed dishonest because of his mistake. Examples are not honest to goodness, a mother was not honest with their children about the disease experienced by children for children did not feel sad. Examples of dishonest because of his mistake, a thief did not confess when questioned by police.

Because honesty is very important, then we as the most perfect creature is expected to maintain the honesty. Because basically it is easier to run honesty but it is difficult to maintain. We certainly felt hurt when honesty was dirty by lies, though it lies only a little but it will result trauble. People already hurt would be very difficult to trust the honesty of it.

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